Ukrainian Month in Europe / Ukraiński Miesiąc w Europie | Fabryka Sztuki

24.02.2023 - 26.03.2023

UKRA­INIAN MONTH IN EU­RO­PE – a num­ber of ar­ti­stic and edu­ca­tio­nal events pre­sen­ted to a wide au­dien­ce by Ukra­inian ar­ti­sts.
Pla­ce: Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, 3 Ty­mie­niec­kie­go Stre­et, 90-365 Lodz
Ad­mis­sion: free
Re­gi­stra­tion re­qu­ired:
info@ko­per­po­ma­ (Ukra­inian lan­gu­age)
a.shaya@fa­bry­kasz­tu­ (Po­lish lan­gu­age)


Fri­day / Fe­bru­ary 24th, 2023 / 19:00
Exhi­bi­tion ope­ning “Fo­re­ign body” / Yuliya Ta­ben­ska
Pla­ce: mez­za­ni­ne abo­ve nie­Win­ni bar
Exhi­bi­tion open until March 8th, 2023

Emo­tio­nal As­sme­bla­ge is a trend that re­fers to fe­elings and in­ter­per­so­nal re­la­tion­ships en­cap­su­la­ted in the form of a three-di­men­sio­nal col­la­ge. The exhi­bi­tion “Fo­re­ign body” con­si­sts of il­lu­stra­tions from an on­li­ne pro­ject abo­ut is­su­es sur­ro­un­ding re­fu­ge­eism, ima­ges vie­wed very emo­tio­nal­ly and in­di­vi­du­al­ly thro­ugh the eyes of or­di­na­ry pe­ople. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, it is part of a cre­ati­ve de­ve­lop­ment of the ar­tist’s pic­tu­re­bo­ok ti­tled “Talk to me”, which to­uches upon pa­rent-child re­la­tion­ships in ti­mes when de­pres­sion has be­co­me a very com­mon and, at the same time, al­most un­no­ti­ce­able di­se­ase. War, mi­gra­tion, lo­oking for a new home, and a sen­se of iden­ti­ty only in­ten­si­fy the emo­tio­nal cri­sis among what is left of fa­mi­lies, wor­se­ning the­ir lack of sa­fe­ty, exa­cer­ba­ting eve­ry­day fe­ars, lac­king cer­ta­in­ty abo­ut the fu­tu­re. Re­fu­ge­es – fo­re­ign bo­dies in a dif­fe­rent re­ali­ty, in­di­vi­du­al pe­ople with the­ir own suf­fe­ring, fo­re­ign bo­dies in fa­mi­lies. In re­fe­ren­ce to the pic­tu­re­bo­ok, “Talk to me”, one wants to say, “Talk to me – don’t let us die.”


Fri­day / Fe­bru­ary 24th, 2023 / 20:00
Con­cert by KI­NVA
Pla­ce: sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Ki­nva are a mu­si­cal fu­sion of Ana­sta­si­ji Li­tvi­ny­uk, Igo­ra Hny­dy­na and Ro­ma­na Chra­niu­ka. A “Ki­nva” is a tra­idi­tio­nal Ukra­nian wo­oden ves­sel si­mi­lar to a mug, for sto­ra­ge and con­sump­tion of drinks. The band Ki­nva is such a ves­sel: they pre­se­rve tra­di­tio­nal eth­nic Ukra­inian me­lo­dies in or­der to se­rve them up in a fresh, jaz­zy form. Ukra­inian lan­gu­age, tra­di­tion and mu­sic have uni­ted pe­ople for cen­tu­ries, be­sto­wing po­wer and bu­il­ding fa­ith in a free and in­de­pen­dent Ukra­ine. To­day, they still pro­vi­de the­se func­tions: they bring hope and strength. They de­sign the fu­tu­re.
Ana­sta­si­ja Li­tvi­ny­uk, Igor Hny­dyn and Ro­man Chra­niuk met in Lwów. In ano­ther re­ali­ty. To­day they live in War­sza­wa and per­for­med un­der a new­ly ad­op­ted name. Each of them are well es­ta­bli­shed jazz mu­si­cians with a ca­ta­ol­gue of al­bums, pro­jects and per­for­man­ces aro­und the world. They are con­nec­ted by love and lon­ging for Ukra­ine and the so­unds that have been play­ing in the­ir so­uls sin­ce chil­dho­od. To­day, they spe­ak to the au­dien­ce in new ways, using all the skills acqu­ired over the years, ha­ving fun, and expe­ri­men­ting with jazz for­mats. They take you on a jo­ur­ney to a cul­tu­ral­ly di­ver­se and ma­gi­cal Ukra­ine, and abo­ve all, they uni­te pe­ople using so­unds and expe­rien­ces of the here and now. The ar­ran­ge­ments of folk songs and ori­gi­nal com­po­si­tions are ori­gi­nal, en­cap­su­la­ting the joy of play­ing and the ple­asu­re of li­ste­ning. The ma­te­rial al­lows the mu­si­cians to gra­du­al­ly open up vo­cal­ly and move to­ward be­co­ming a jazz-eth­no-vo­cal trio. Be kind to them, en­co­ura­ge them, and they will sing for you. 🙂
“Ukra­inian me­lo­dies and songs have gre­at po­wer, po­wer­ful ener­gy, they car­ry a lot of in­for­ma­tion abo­ut our past, but per­haps also abo­ut the fu­tu­re. The­re­fo­re, cre­ating such mu­sic is im­por­tant in va­rio­us aspects – both to pre­se­rve all the­se old me­lo­dies, but also to wri­te new, mo­dern ones, which will also be­co­me the le­ga­cy of fu­tu­re Ukra­inians, Eu­ro­pe­ans.” (Ana­sta­si­ja Li­tvi­ny­uk)
More abo­ut KI­NVA


Sa­tur­day / Fe­bru­ary 25th, 2023 / 19:00
Con­cert Po­land-Ukra­ine “Ga­the­ring for Pe­ace” / Zo­ry­ana Dy­bo­vska En­sem­ble with Dzi­kie Jabł­ka and Piew­ni­ca
Pla­ce: sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

In the­se tur­bu­lent ti­mes, we want to bring love and joy into our li­ves. Our fi­ght aga­inst evil in­vo­lves spre­ading go­od­ness and pe­ace. And pe­ace co­mes when one me­ets ano­ther with re­spect and love. That’s what this con­cert will be abo­ut. Abo­ut love and its va­rio­us sha­des. Abo­ut di­sa­gre­ement with war be­twe­en pe­ople and be­twe­en na­tions. Abo­ut me­etings that, de­spi­te be­ing made in ob­jec­ti­ve­ly dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stan­ces, bring joy and new va­lue. Abo­ut the me­eting of cul­tu­res and tra­di­tions.
And if this is to be a mu­si­cal me­eting of cul­tu­res, then who bet­ter than Dzi­kie Jabł­ka, who for years has been com­bi­ning tra­di­tio­nal Po­lish mu­sic with the in­di­ge­no­us rhy­thms of West Afri­ca in its re­per­to­ire, to be the­re? This time, ho­we­ver, we will not stop at Po­lish mu­sic, but we will join for­ces with Ukra­inian mu­si­cians from the band Yago­da, who were for­ced to flee from the­ir ho­mes. We want to take them un­der our roof, and meet with them by per­for­ming mu­sic to­ge­ther. It is our lan­gu­age, our way of com­mu­ni­ca­ting with other pe­ople, our mes­sa­ge to the world.
As a sur­pri­se, also pre­sent will be Piew­ni­ca – a gro­up of en­thu­sia­sts from Łódź per­for­ming po­ly­pho­nic Ukra­inian songs, ma­king it a ga­the­ring that trans­cends many le­vels. It will be co­lor­ful, to­uching, re­flec­ti­ve, but also tran­ce-like and ener­ge­tic. Join our GA­THE­RING! Let’s bu­ild PE­ACE to­ge­ther!


Fri­day / March 10th, 2023 / 19:00
Pho­to­gra­phic exhi­bi­tion ope­ning “Whe­re does in­spi­ra­tion live?” / Yulia Au­re­lia
Pla­ce: mez­za­ni­ne abo­ve nie­Win­ni bar
Exhi­bi­tion open until March 16th, 2023
In­sta­gram: @au­re­lia_har­mo­ny.pho­to

Pho­to­gra­pher Ju­lia Lysz will talk with love and no­stal­gia abo­ut a be­au­ti­ful pla­ce in Ukra­ine whe­re she left a part of her he­art. Whe­re she al­ways drew in­spi­ra­tion for cre­ati­vi­ty and felt ful­fil­led. Al­most all pho­tos were ta­ken in the vi­ci­ni­ty of Ty­śmie­ni­ca, near Iva­no-Fran­ki­vsk. The ma­gi­cal na­tu­re of Pod­kar­pa­cie, bi­cyc­le ri­des, blo­oming fields and com­po­si­tions (still li­fes) that were born as a re­sult of this in­spi­ra­tion… I want to re­mind you abo­ut the sim­ple joys of life! It re­al­ly do­esn’t take much to be hap­py!
Ka­te­ry­na Sam­bor­ska is a gra­du­ate of the mu­sic scho­ol at the Con­se­rva­to­ry of Mi­kha­il Glin­ka. She spe­cia­li­zes in pop-jazz vo­cals. Win­ner of the Grand Prix at va­rio­us mu­sic fe­sti­vals. Win­ner of the TV show “Ka­ra­oke in the Squ­are” in 2016.


Sun­day / March 12th, 2023 / 16:00
Per­for­man­ce “Ta­les for So­fia” / Fi­gur­ki The­atre (Cra­cow) and Lito The­atre (Kyiv)
Pla­ce: sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz
Vie­wers’ age: 4+
Du­ra­tion: 1 hour
Per­for­man­ce lan­gu­age: Ukra­inian

So­fij­ka had to le­ave the co­un­try with her grand­mo­ther, and her pa­rents mis­sed her very much. They wan­de­red sa­dly aro­und her room, re­mem­be­ring the­ir dau­gh­ter, and ima­gi­ning what it wo­uld be like when they can fi­nal­ly tell her a fa­iry­ta­le. Only which one? She al­re­ady knows them all! Wi­tho­ut much tho­ught, the pa­rents de­ci­de to in­vent the­ir own fa­iry tale: abo­ut Prin­cess So­fia who is un­der a spell, abo­ut an evil sor­ce­rer who is lo­oking for true love, abo­ut cle­ver prin­ce Da­nil­ko who was re­ady to do any­thing for love, and abo­ut Baba Yaga whom you just have to meet .


Fri­day / March 17th, 2023 / 18:00
In­te­rac­ti­ve per­formn­ce for chil­dren “Mi­ster Cha­os” / The­atr OKO (Lviv)
Pla­ce: sta­ge in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz
Vie­wers’ age: 3-10
Du­ra­tion: 1 hour
Per­for­man­ce lan­gu­age: Ukra­inian

One Sa­tur­day, the row­dy Red Cat is left alo­ne at home wi­tho­ut his pa­rents for the first time. He de­ci­des to play on the ta­blet all day, jump aro­und and just be lazy. His Mind, una­ble to bear such tho­ughts, ap­pe­ars with in­struc­tions from his mo­ther. The cat do­esn’t like to be in­ter­rup­ted and or­ga­ni­zes a “scho­ol wi­tho­ut ru­les”, whe­re the chil­dren are the stu­dents and he is the te­acher. As a re­sult of such les­sons, Cha­os ari­ses, which can­not be de­alt with wi­tho­ut Re­ason.
This edu­ca­tio­nal fa­iry­ta­le for pre­scho­ol and ear­ly scho­ol chil­dren te­aches them to bet­ter un­der­stand them­se­lves and li­sten to the­ir tho­ughts. Chil­dren will un­der­stand that eve­ry­thing has its con­se­qu­en­ces.


Fri­day / March 17th, 2023 / 19:00
Pa­in­ting exhi­bi­tion ope­ning “Ti­mes are chan­ging” / Aia Kora
Pla­ce: mez­za­ni­ne abo­ve nie­Win­ni bar
Exhi­bi­tion open until March 26th, 2023

The project addresses global social issues. The history of personality formation in different periods of time. The language of female types is closer to me in the spirit of relationships with each other, which is why I present this project with such images. War times have always produced strong people – commanders, writers, artists, historians. People who created a new reality of those times when the past was erased and a new reality was quickly formed. The dynamics of reality, the global transformation, seem to immediately cut off the past and quickly write the future. There is no time for doubts and hesitation in making decisions. It is in the language of female types that the project talks about the emergence of a new reality, rebirth and revival of the present.


Sa­tur­day / March 18th, 2023 / 18:00
“WINGS” – a me­eting with Ukra­nian po­etry and mu­sic
Pla­ce: work­shop room in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz
Mo­de­ra­tor: Anna Fa­de­eva
Par­ti­ci­pants: Te­ty­ana Ze­len­chuk, So­lo­miya Mar­da­ro­vych, Olga Po­shu­ruy­eva, Ka­tya Sam­bor­ska, Ami­na Pi­vko, Anna Fa­de­eva
Event lan­gu­age: Ukra­inian

“Pe­ople don’t fly… And they have wings. And they have wings!” (Lina Ko­sten­ko)
On a March eve­ning, we in­vi­te you to a cre­ati­ve me­eting with some in­spi­red and ta­len­ted Ukra­inian wo­men. Some of them have nu­me­ro­us pu­bli­ca­tions and per­for­man­ces be­hind them, others are just ma­king the­ir first cre­ati­ve at­tempts, but they all sha­re a gre­at love for the writ­ten word and cre­ati­vi­ty. The pro­gram in­c­lu­des re­adings of the par­ti­ci­pants’ po­etry and per­for­man­ce of con­tem­po­ra­ry Ukra­inian songs. Let’s talk abo­ut be­au­ty. Let’s talk abo­ut im­por­tant things. We will sha­re songs and warmth. We we­lco­ming you with our he­arts.

Pro­ject is fun­ded by The Swe­dish In­sti­tu­te.
The part­ner of the Lodz edi­tion is the Lodz Mul­ti­cul­tu­ral Cen­ter.

Date: 24.02.2023 - 26.03.2023

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