LET´S MEET UP 3! / ДАВАЙТЕ ЗУСТРІЧАТИСЯ 3! in Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki in Łódź


We cor­dial­ly in­vi­te you to the third and last ne­twor­king me­eting of ar­ti­sts and cre­ators from Ukra­ine who have set­tled in Łódź. Du­ring the eve­ning Ole­na Ko­ver­nik, as­so­cia­ted with the Ukra­inian folk sce­ne, will per­form at the sta­ge of Nie­Win­ni re­stau­rant and wi­ne­ry.
date: Tu­es­day, Fe­bru­ary 7th, 2023, 6:00 pm
pla­ce: Nie­Win­ni re­stau­rant and wi­ne­ry
ad­mis­sion: free / du­ring the con­cert, mo­ney will be col­lec­ted to pur­cha­se me­di­cal equ­ip­ment for mo­bi­le ho­spi­tals in Kra­ma­torsk, Dru­zh­ko­vka and Po­kro­vsk
re­gi­stra­tion re­qu­ired:
info@ko­per­po­ma­ga[dot]org (Ukra­inian lan­gu­age)
a.shaya@fa­bry­kasz­tu­ki[dot]org (Po­lish lan­gu­age)
“Re­so­ur­ce! Ukra­ine” pro­ject is fun­ded by The Swe­dish In­sti­tu­te.
The part­ner of the Lodz edi­tion is the Lodz Mul­ti­cul­tu­ral Cen­ter.
Gra­phics: Yuliya Ta­ben­ska
Ole­na Ko­ver­nik is a sin­ger from Kyiv (Ukra­ine) the au­thor of her mu­sic pro­ject. Her mu­sic pro­ject star­ted as an aco­ustic duo of Ole­na and gu­ita­rist An­ton Ann. Sin­ger works with Ukra­inian po­etry. The pro­ject’s songs have a folk so­und, and were writ­ten in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the Lviv po­etess Na­ta­lya Mra­ka and the fa­mo­us Ukra­inian poet Yuriy Iz­dryk. (Al­bum “Na­zy­vai” and al­bum “Only Pa­ra­di­se”). Ole­na Ko­ver­nik`s pro­ject is cur­ren­tly wor­king on re­cor­ding her third al­bum. Mu­si­cians pay even more at­ten­tion to eth­nic rhy­thms and vo­cals of folk sty­le. The band has per­for­med at fe­sti­vals: Re­spu­bli­ka Fest, Le­sia Grand Fest, Gre­en Sta­ge, Wo­od­stock Ukra­ine, Ava­tar Yoga Fest, Kyiv Ve­gan Boom and others.
Cur­ren­tly, the mu­si­cians have a Cha­ri­ty tour of Eu­ro­pe­an ci­ties for sup­port of the Ar­med For­ces of Ukra­ine. Band co­ope­ra­tes with NGO “Vo­lon­terst­ka Sot­nia Do­bro­vo­lya”. The tour is aimed at pur­cha­sing me­di­cal equ­ip­ment: for mo­bi­le ho­spi­tals in Kra­ma­torsk, Dru­zh­ki­vka, and Po­kro­vsk.

Date: 07.02.2023

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