Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź

Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź is a well-functioning multidisciplinary art center, exploring primarily the edge areas of culture, but also a business support institution, supporting the development of creative entrepreneurship and the professionalization of the cultural sector.

The factory was established on the basis of a public-non-governmental partnership, based on mutual trust and understanding of the needs of each party in the partnership, which gives the effect of synergy and strengthening substantive activities. The constant and active program presence of the partners is inscribed in the development of the institution and acts as an element distinguishing the Factory from other cultural institutions.

The identity of the institution derives from the activities of social partners, ie the Łódź Art Center Foundation and the Chorea Theater Association, strengthened by a material place (post-factory space), which has become the home of many excellent artistic initiatives.

Fabryka Sztuki is primarily people and it is to them that the institution owes its intensive development and creative approach to the implementation of creative and organizational activities.